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    How It Works

    Create a Listing

    Create a Listing

    Begin by introducing your car to potential buyers. Input essential vehicle information to paint a complete picture for prospective bidders. The essence of the vehicle, however, is best captured through photos. So, ensure you upload clear and detailed images.

    Create a Listing
    Setting the Stage

    Setting the Stage

    Now, decide on the reserve price. You can either choose a reserve price based on your own assessment or take advantage of our data-driven recommendations. This price is the minimum you're willing to accept. Next, schedule your auction. To keep the process swift, we allow listings to be scheduled within the next three days. Every auction is set between the dedicated window of 9am to 5pm, ensuring optimal engagement.

    Go Live!

    Go Live!

    Once your auction goes live during the stipulated hours, it's game time. Watch as verified dealers place their bids, competing for the best vehicles on our platform.

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    Post-Auction Actions

    Post-Auction Actions

    Celebrations are in order if your car sells! The platform facilitates a smooth transition by sharing contact details between the winning bidder and you. If the auction doesn't culminate in a sale, worry not. Your car then moves into our 'Buy Now' phase, where the reserve price becomes the fixed purchasing price. You can increase or lower this price if you want to.

    Give it Another Go

    Give it Another Go

    Didn't get the outcome you desired? Motors.bid provides a re-listing option. You can set up your car for another auction round, scheduled anytime within the subsequent three days, always between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Motors.bid is here to revolutionise the way you trade vehicles, prioritising simplicity, trust, and success at every step.

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    Hammond Road Garage Ltd t/a Hammond Cars

    Anglia Parkway North, Ipswich, IP1 5QL

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